The underfloor wheel lathes model TUP650SH is designed for reconditioning the wheel profiles of railway vehicles where the single axle load does not exceed 30 000 / 40 000 daN.
The machining process is carried out without the necessity of dismantling the wheelsets from the vehicle. The machines can also turn the individual wheelsets and bogies dismantled from the vehicles, coupled wheelsets, the active surfaces of brake discs and also the wheelsets of vehicles which are not provided with bogies.
Thanks to the simple design, easy and friendly operation and flexibility of machine functions, the TUP650SH machines have gained the recognition of the maintenance and repair services of rail vehicle depots.
The machine TUP650SH is adapted for clamping of the wheelset in the external axle box supports and also can be adapted for clamping in centers. Thanks to the application of the modern CNC control system, the machine ensures the economic, precise and fast machining of wheelsets.